2016-04-04 20:59:42 -07:00

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Pop Module

This is the main module that allows you to access everything else in Pop.Box. Simply require it (local pop = require "pop") and define LÖVE callbacks for:

  • pop.update(dt)
  • pop.draw()
  • pop.mousemoved(x, y, dx, dy) (when using LÖVE 0.10.0 or later)
  • pop.mousepressed(x, y, button)
  • pop.mousereleased(x, y, button)
  • pop.keypressed(key)
  • pop.keyreleased(key)
  • pop.textinput(text)

Every callback returns true/false for whether or not the event was handled. For example, using the mousepressed event handler:

function love.mousepressed(x, y, button)
    local handled = pop.mousepressed(x, y, button)
    if not handled then
        -- do something useful

Creating Elements

Once pop has been required, you can create Elements and interact with them. Most elements can be created like this: local box = pop.box(...)

For more information, see the Elements documentation.

Skinning Elements

See the Skins documentation.

Custom Elements/Skins/Extensions

Any .lua file placed in the elements, skins, and extensions directories within the module will be loaded and available as appropriate. See the documentation on each for how to make them:

Also of use, there is a separate set of docs about how Pop.Box works under the surface: Pop Module (dev)